Happy Chinese New Year!
On February 12th we're entering the year of the Ox… Read more
The Nordic cooperation within the social and health field is based on the shared value that forms the foundation of the Nordic welfare model. The purpose is to reduce health inequalities and to spread information and knowledge about health. The Nordic countries are also actively involved in European cooperation on health issues, and also cooperate with other international organizations.
The responsibility in the Swedish health care system is shared between the state, county and municipal. The county’s activity are mainly financed with the council tax, where all 20 different counties that exists in Sweden determines how high the tax should be and how it should be distributed.
The municipals is responsible for care of the elderly, support and services to those that are released from hospital visits, school health and also support and services for people with a mental or a physical disability.
There are private alternatives to, which also is connected to the tax-funded health care. Completely privately funded health care is also an option, but since most of the Swedish citizens pay between 10-15SEK per 100SEK in council tax, this option is not that common.
Healthcare is conducted either in open or closed treatment. Open treatment means that the patient will not be admitted to a ward in a hospital or a clinic. Instead they are examined and treated in a healthcare center. Closed treatment refers to a patient that has to be enrolled in a clinic. Keeping pace with the technological developments in the area of healthcare, the need for treatment in closed care has decreased in Scandinavia. Some of the inpatient care that before has been considered as necessary have later shown to be directly harmful. Many of the simpler tests and treatments have therefor been moved to the municipal healthcare centers.
Good health and the right to good care are basic requirements and goals in all Scandinavian countries. Sweden is a role model when it comes to social service. Child and elderly care are important subjects to the citizens of Stockholm and are also interesting subjects for seminars. You can visit hospitals, elderly homes and schools to get a clear picture of the Scandinavian social system.
Every child and student in Scandinavia has a right to an equal education. The education department controls, support, monitors and evaluate all the principals, preschools and schools with the purpose to improve the quality and result in this area. They are also responsible for disability related questions, environmental questions and questions that concerns newly arrived children within the educational sector.
The educational system in Sweden starts with an optional pre school between the ages of 3-5. At the age of 6-7 the 9 year mandatory education begins. Secondary school is optional but every municipality has a responsibility to follow up their youths under 20 years of age that doesn’t study at a secondary school. The student chose from 17 different national programs, a large number of local programs, specially designed programs and an individual program. Unlike many other countries, Sweden dos not have a formal student degree. Instead they want secondary school to give basic eligibility to University or College. It is free of charge and its purpose is to give an academic degree.
Stockholm school of economics was ranked to be the best university in Sweden, and for the first time the ranking was based on the students own preferences.
Under the years 1997-2002 a government initiative was formed that was called “the knowledge lift”. It was a governmental investment to an adult education that primarily focused on the unemployed who lacked three-years of secondary school. With the investment 110 000 training places was offered to the “knowledge lift”.